The Practice will endeavour to always offer services to our patients that comply with or exceed NHS standards
The care of your health is a partnership between yourself and the Primary Health Care Team. The success of that partnership depends on an understanding of each other’s needs and co-operation between us.
All matters relating to you, together with any information held on record at the Practice, are treated with complete confidentiality by the Primary Care Team and its staff. The duty of confidentiality owed to a person under 16 is as great as the duty owed to any other person. All patients can expect that their personal information will not be disclosed without their permission except in the most exceptional circumstances, when somebody is at grave risk of serious harm.
The practice is registered with the Information Commissioner and all your data will be treated in line with our registration under the Data Protection Act.
Your Rights As Our Patient Also Involve Responsibilities to Us
- Please treat all surgery staff with the same respect and courtesy you would expect yourself.
- Do not ask for information about anyone other than yourself
- Tell us of any change of name or address, so that our records are accurate
- Please be punctual, but be prepared to wait if your own consultation is delayed by an unexpected emergency
- Please give adequate notice if you wish to cancel an appointment. Someone else could use your appointment!
- An appointment is for one person only – where another member of the family needs to bee seen or discussed, another appointment should be made and the Medical Record be made available.
- Patients should make every effort when consulting the surgery to make best use of nursing and medical time – home visits should be medically justifiable and not requested for social convenience
- Please allow sufficient time for your consultant’s letter or the results of any tests to reach us
- You will be advised of the usual length of time to wait
- Order online or via the prescription answer machine to request your repeat prescription whenever possible. Please attend for review, when asked, before your next prescription is due
- Violent or abusive patients will not be allowed to remain on the premises, steps may be taken to remove such a patient from the practice list, and prosecution may be undertaken
Suggestions, Complaints and Compliments
Do let us know whenever you feel we have not met our responsibility to you. We would, of course, be pleased to hear when you feel praise is due as well. The Practice welcomes any comments or suggestions that could improve the standards of care. If you are unhappy with any aspect of your care please contact our Practice Manager, Mrs Janice Longmire, who will look into your concerns, using the complaints procedures.